
Welcome to everyone reading through the New Testament in 2007. Each day, there will be a new post for the day's reading. You are invited to share your thoughts about what you've read, by adding comments to that post.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Three phrases for the day. Colossians 3.

Reading from the King James translation of Colossians, v.3:12, there is this phrase: "Put on... bowels of mercies..." In one of my other translations, I read, "wrap yourself in the guts of compassion, good will, humility..."

For us today, this is pretty colorful language. No wonder, the NIV translates this as simply, "clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility..." But I really like that phrase, "the guts of compassion, etc." More than liking it, it's a real call to living that isn't all that easy to answer. My father-in-law talks about getting old, he's now in his 80s, in these ways: "getting old isn't for cowards;" and "it takes guts to get old." In the same way, it takes guts to live a life of compassion, good will, humility, gentleness and patience, putting up with one another.

These qualities Paul is talking about might be seen as weak, or passive -- "let me be gentle in my dealing with you." But the phrasing he used indicates this isn't about passivity. No, it's the guts of compassion, the big, powerful emotions, the passion of compassion and humility and patience and gentleness. It's quite the opposite of what we tend to ascribe to these qualities. Paul would be pleased, I think, that these words grabbed me in the gut today.

And if the list of qualities we are to be clothed in wasn't big enough and challenging enough for us to live in, he then has us put over all these clothes, agape love, Christ-love, like Superman's cape, or the silk shawl that completes a formal gown. Love as the link to perfection, and previous similes aside, our essential garment.

A second phrase from KJV, v.3:16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly...," is colorfully expressed in the Message: "Let the Word of Christ--the Message--have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God!"

Followed by this final phrase in verse 17, "Whatsoever ye do...". Whatsoever? That leaves, exactly, nothing. Again from the Message, "Let every detail in your lives--words, actions, whatever--be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way."

Those are my phrases for the day.

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