
Welcome to everyone reading through the New Testament in 2007. Each day, there will be a new post for the day's reading. You are invited to share your thoughts about what you've read, by adding comments to that post.

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Let Freedom Ring. Romans 14.

Chapter 14 of Romans is a great passage about our freedom in Christ. We can eat and drink and even be merry I suppose, as long as we don't cause someone else to stumble. That makes sense, and it makes me feel free. But, and this is a big but, we are not free to judge others, or cause another brother to stumble, or fall into sin because of our freedom. In reality, our freedom brings far more responsibility than actually serving as a blank check to happy times. What gets me the most is verse 12 -"So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God." Notice it doesn't say "give an account for my brother over there who is really screwing up". No, just an account for me. Thankfully, I am under no condemnation, but I will need take responsibility for my freedom. So, eat, and drink and be merry. But remember, "make every effort to do what leads to mutual edification" (verse 19). Cheers!

hook's note: Dan Ferguson is Pastor of Outreach and Missions at BCC.

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