
Welcome to everyone reading through the New Testament in 2007. Each day, there will be a new post for the day's reading. You are invited to share your thoughts about what you've read, by adding comments to that post.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Conformed or Transformed. Romans 12.

"Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2a NIV This verse is one that I would categorize as a "life verse" - it is one that is foundational for me and I believe is one that is a key verse for all believers.

We are commissioned by Jesus to “go and make disciples” and Christian discipleship is not a state to be attained or a goal to be achieved. It is a process of constant, continual, lifelong learning and following after Jesus. That process results in life transformation which is the ultimate goal in spiritual formation in the church. Paul says that we are called to “conformity with Jesus Christ” (Romans 8:29). Whereas Paul had previously encouraged conformity to Christ, he now discourages conformity to the patterns of this world and encourages believers to undergo a transformation through a changed mind.

I believe that transformation happens as we are engaged with the Word of God and we allow God's Spirit to reign in our lives so that we are transformed according to God's pattern and by God's power. As we find ourselves being transformed into the likeness of Christ as disciples then we can function like the church body and live the kind of lives that exemplify the Christian graces he describes later in this very chapter.

Are you conformed to this world or are you being transformed by the renewal of your mind?

hook's note: Steve Isom is the Pastor of Adult Ed at BCC, and is all about transformation.

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